RFC8667: Sillycon Valley

Proposed variant of / inspired fanatically by another popular tabletop game.


  • All players are given a random role:
    • One player per game: VC
    • ~40% of players: CEO
      • 25% chance one CEO may be CRYPTO CEO
      • 15% chance one CEO may be LAB CEO
      • 5% chance one CEO may be JUICE CEO
      • 5% chance one CEO may be UNICORN CEO
    • ~60% of players: DEV
  • All players are assumed to be good open source DEVs
  • Nobody can see each other’s roles, except CEOs can see who is VC


  • 40% probability of drawing GROWTH
  • 60% probability of drawing FOSS


  • In rotating order, each player will be ’the 1xDEV’ and gets to submit a 10xDEV to Hacky News
  • All DEVs must upvote/downvote the Hacky News submission and decide whether they want to depend on the 10xDEVs work.
  • If the submission doesn’t reach the front page (no majority vote), there is no 10xDEV so goto next_turn;
  • If the submission would reach the front page, but the 10xDEV is secretly VC, the VC shouts IPO! and wins
  • If the submission reaches the front page, a 10xDEV has been nominated:
    • If the 10xDEV is secretly..
      • VC or UNICORN CEO, they can shout IPO! and the VC and CEO win
      • CRYPTO CEO, they can invoke CRYPTO!, flip a coin, if heads they steal all VC funds and win game for themselves. Tails they go to jail (out of the game entirely.)
      • LAB CEO, they can invoke FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT!, flip a coin, if heads they steal all VC funds and win game for themselves. Tails they go to jail (out of the game entirely.)
      • JUICE CEO, they can invoke SQUEEZED TO DEATH, two coin flips, if both heads they can shout IPO! and VC and CEO win, otherwise CEO out of the game entirely.
    • If the 10xDEV is actually just a normal open source DEV:
      • The 10xDEV draws 3 random cards, reviews and discards 1, giving the remaining 2 to the 1xDEV
      • The 1xDEV is given 2 cards by the 10xDEV, must discard 1, must play/put-down the other


  • If five GROWTH cards are played, the VC shouts IPO! and wins
  • If five FOSS cards are played, the DEVs win
  • When the 3rd and 4th GROWTH cards are played, the current 10xDEV chooses one player to suffer BURNOUT - that player can no longer do anything but talk.